Welcome to the Institute of Chemistry

Prof. Felix H. Schacher
Institute of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC) Jena Center for Soft Matter (JCSM), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Can Polymers do Magic? The role(s) of polymeric matrices in light-driven catalysis
Ort: Universität Potsdam, Komplex II, Golm, Haus 25/ F1.01
Zeit: 20.01.2025 16.00 c.t.
Prof. Dr. Tanja Gaich
Universität Konstanz
The devil is in the details – cyclotaxane total syntheses
Ort: Universität Potsdam, Komplex II, Golm, Haus 25/ F1.01
Zeit: 27.01.2025 16.00 c.t.
More Colloquia »

Greeting from the managing director Prof. Dr. N. Kulak

Welcome to the WEB-SITE of Chemistry at the University of Potsdam. We invite you to get acquainted with our research and teaching expertise, the outstanding equipment of our laboratories and already existing national and international collaborations. You find us in Wissenschaftspark Golm. If you would like to study Chemistry at the University of Potsdam or if you want to benefit from our research activities and collaborate with us, you are cordially welcome.
Prof. Dr. Nora Kulak

Research Groups

Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Heiko Möller - Analytical Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Prof. Andreas Taubert - Supramolecular Chemistry

Prof. Nora Kulak - Inorganic chemistry

Didactics of Chemistry

Prof. Amitabh Banerji - Didactics of Chemistry

Organic Chemsitry

Prof. Bernd Schmidt - Organic Syntheses

Prof. Pablo Wessig - Bioorganic Chemistry

Prof. Torsten Linker - Organic Chemistry

Physical and Theoretical Chemsitry

JProf. Henrike Müller-Werkmeister - Physical Chemistry

Prof. Ilko Bald (komm.) - Physical Chemistry

Prof. Michael U. Kumke - Opt. Sensing and Spectroscopy

Prof. Peter Saalfrank - Theoretical Chemistry

Prof. Tillmann Klamroth - Computational Chemistry

Colloidal and Polymer Chemistry

Prof. Helmut Schlaad - Polymer Chemistry

Prof. Ilko Bald - Hybrid Nanostructures

Joint professors

Prof. Alexander Böker - IAP

Research groups and habilitation candidates

Dr. Johannes Gurke - Applied Photochemistry

Dr. Matthias Hartlieb - Polymeric Biomaterials

Dr. Ulrich Glebe - Biohybrid Materials

PD Dr. Jolanda Hermanns - Didactics of Chemistry

Prof. Judith Schicks - Multiphase Systems

Honorary Professors

Prof. Markus Antonietti - MPIKG

Prof. Peter Seeberger - MPIKG

Retired Professors