Prof. Felix H. Schacher Institute of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC) Jena Center for Soft Matter (JCSM), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Can Polymers do Magic? The role(s) of polymeric matrices in light-driven catalysis Ort: Universität Potsdam, Komplex II, Golm, Haus 25/ F1.01 Zeit: 20.01.2025 16.00 c.t. | |
Prof. Dr. Tanja Gaich Universität Konstanz The devil is in the details – cyclotaxane total syntheses Ort: Universität Potsdam, Komplex II, Golm, Haus 25/ F1.01 Zeit: 27.01.2025 16.00 c.t. | |
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Prof. Heiko Möller - Analytical Chemistry
Prof. Andreas Taubert - Supramolecular Chemistry
Prof. Nora Kulak - Inorganic chemistry
Prof. Amitabh Banerji - Didactics of Chemistry
Prof. Bernd Schmidt - Organic Syntheses
Prof. Pablo Wessig - Bioorganic Chemistry
Prof. Torsten Linker - Organic Chemistry
JProf. Henrike Müller-Werkmeister - Physical Chemistry
Prof. Ilko Bald (komm.) - Physical Chemistry
Prof. Michael U. Kumke - Opt. Sensing and Spectroscopy
Prof. Peter Saalfrank - Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Tillmann Klamroth - Computational Chemistry
Prof. Helmut Schlaad - Polymer Chemistry
Prof. Ilko Bald - Hybrid Nanostructures
Prof. Alexander Böker - IAP
Dr. Johannes Gurke - Applied Photochemistry
Dr. Matthias Hartlieb - Polymeric Biomaterials
Dr. Ulrich Glebe - Biohybrid Materials
PD Dr. Jolanda Hermanns - Didactics of Chemistry
Prof. Judith Schicks - Multiphase Systems
Prof. Markus Antonietti - MPIKG
Prof. Peter Seeberger - MPIKG